We would like to invite you to express your imagination of a new starting line for future outdoor footwear, that is carrying the PARLEY message and is helping adidas and Parley to express a true strong proposition along the line of sustainability and enhanced product quality.
Sustainability has becoming and even bigger topic now then it was when the adidas x parley collaboration started. Consumers are now deeply concerned about more than just plastic waste. They know our effects on the plant extend beyond; including deforestation, destruction of biodiversity, overpopulation/urbanisation, melting ice caps and endangered species. For the collaboration to go further we will need to communicate benefits beyond recycling plastic and reducing ocean waste to connect better with our consumers.
Our consumer is an optimist, they believe there is a solution to the problems ahead of us but they also know this isn’t something they alone can achieve. It will require all of the world’s systems to work together and in harmony with nature. They strive to defend nature through their consumer habits and their lifestyle choices. And on top of all of this they are explorers, explorers of their surrounding, choices and new solutions to the problems they face. They are looking for a way to lessen their impact and ensure the activities they enjoy are there for others, now and in the future.
By focusing on diverting & reducing impacts of traditional construction methods, as well as considering end of life plans or options for our products we can reduce the overall impact of the collection. This exploration will allow the Adidas | Parley collaboration to not only explore possible future product systems and methods of production but can once again show the world what is possible when it comes to sustainable production.
Is a collection of outdoor FTW that rethinks how a consumer can buy, use and reuse their products, as well as how those products might be made. By going beyond recapture and recycling programs, adidas and parley can once again reinvigorate consumers and industry alike to rethink sustainable products. Together we can limit the impact of our products, their production and their use.